Motorcycling Routes in Monroe County, TN

The area surrounding Monroe County, Tennessee and the Cherokee National Forest is some of the world's best riding. There are breath taking views around every curve!

Visiting downtown Tellico Plains is a great place to start a ride on the Skyway. There are great little places to eat, and if you take a walk through town, you will find unique local arts centers, antiques, pottery, eclectic art, and even ice cream and a fine bakery!

When you head back toward the Skyway, the Cherohala Skyway Visitor Center is an important place to stop for a map (frameable!) and friendly information. Attractive t-shirts and other Cherohala Skyway history items and memorabilia are available. There are also outdoor picnic tables if you would like to sit and have snack and read your map. Located next to the Visitor Center is the Charles Hall Museum. It consists of more than 200 guns, an extensive telephone collection, and an impressive coin collection, among many other items.

When you finally make it back to The Skyway there are large sweeping curves and great views everywhere you look. There are well marked "photo ops" and places to pull off and enjoy the views. Indian Boundary Campground is a good place to take a break and look around. Especially in the morning when the mists are just lifting, revealing beautiful Indian Boundary Lake.

Heading down the Skyway from the Visitor Center a short distance is the road to Bald River Falls and the Ranger Station on the right, River Road. River Road is a very nice little tree-lined ride along the Tellico River. You can view Bald River Falls right from the road; just watch out for people standing on the bridge!

At the end of the Skyway, Highway 69, you can turn left to ride the Dragon, turn right to go into Robbinsville or ride the Skyway again back to Tellico Plains to have lunch at the Tellicafe!